February 26, 2020

Finding malicious WebAssembly with yara

tl;dr: I wrote a pattern matcher in rust which runs in Wasm to detect 👻 Wasm.

WebAssembly (Wasm) is the new cool, but we’re running pre-compiled binaries in the browser now. What does that mean for detecting and responding to bad stuff?

Wasm does a great job of using a sandboxed environment. But what if the malicious code executes happily within the constraints of the sandbox, such as cryptocurrency mining. This kind of malicious mining activity has received a bit of attention of the past couple of years as Wasm has become more common.

How do we detect malicious files elsewhere?

On macOS Apple have a have a Malware Removal Tool, XProtect, which scans files looking for known patterns and removes the files. This uses a signature file in the yara format.

yara is a “pattern matching swiss knife for malware researchers”. It allows researchers to describe characteristics of a known malicious file and provides a tool (also called yara) which can be used to test if a file matches one of these descriptions.

So it’s both a language for describing characteristics of a file, known as “rules”, and a tool which compares files against these rules looking to see if they match.

Here’s an example rule (taken from XProtect) to better understand what yara is doing.

rule GenieoD
        description = "OSX.Genieo.D"
        $a = {49 89 C4 0F 57 C0 0F 29 85 80 FE FF FF 0F 29 85 70 FE FF FF 0F 29 85 60 FE FF FF 0F 29 85 50 FE FF FF 41 B8 10 00 00 00 4C 89 E7 48 8B B5 40 FE FF FF 48 8D 95 50 FE FF FF 48}
        $b = {F2 0F 59 C1 F2 0F 5C D0 F2 0F 11 55 B8 0F 28 C2 F2 0F 10 55 D8 F2 0F 10 5D C8 F2 0F 58 DA F2 0F 59 D1 F2 0F 5C DA F2 0F 11 5D B0 0F 28 CB 31 FF BE 05 00 00 00 31 D2}
        $c = {49 6E 73 74 61 6C 6C 4D 61 63 41 70 70 44 65 6C 65 67 61 74 65}
        ($a or $b) and $c

It’s split into 3 sections:

In order to determine if a file matches the rule, yara searches the file the patterns in strings then applies the logic from condition to evaluate if it’s a match.

There are a lot of ways we should try and detect malicious behaviour in our systems. Signature-based malware detection is just one of them. I’m not suggesting this is a path browser vendors or anyone should pursue.

Running yara in the browser

This gave me the idea to try and run yara in the browser. This way if a malicious cryptocurrency miner attempts to load I can detect it and block it.

The yara tools are written in C/C++. Libraries exist for other languages but they are mostly bindings against yaralib. Since I was only interested in a simple proof-of-concept I decided to try and create my own yara implementation.

Parsing yara

Honestly I’d been looking to write my own parser for something since following this excellent tutorial on parser combinators in Rust. Everything up to this point is me justifying to myself what kind of parser to create.

That same tutorial recommended the pom parser combinator library. Which I used to create my yara parser. It didn’t take long at all to get a working parser for simple yara files. There are some features I’m ignoring for now though, in order to keep it simple and get a proof of concept working.

Here’s an example of a yara rule and the parser output.

rule add
        description = "Add example wasm file"
        $a = { 00 61 73 6D }
        $b = { 61 64 64 }
        ($a and $b)
YaraRule {
    name: Str("add",),
    sections: [
        Meta({Str("description",): Str("Add example wasm file",),},),
                Str("$b",): Hex([Byte(54,), Byte(49,), Byte(54,), Byte(52,), Byte(54,), Byte(52,),],),
                Str("$a",): Hex([Byte(48,), Byte(48,), Byte(54,), Byte(49,), Byte(55,), Byte(51,), Byte(54,), Byte(68,),],),
            And(Identifier(Str("$a",),), Identifier(Str("$b",),),),

It was really interesting to build the parser using combinators, the ways the pom library uses operators + - * to connect the parsers is really powerful but looking back at the code it does take a bit of time to figure out what’s happening.

Simple matching

For my proof of concept I wanted byte string and hex (seen in the example above) matching to be working.

I’m not sure how the real yara tool performs these matches but the features in the hex string matching (wildcards, jumps) made me think to create some kind of finite state machine because it seemed so similar to regular expressions.

Before trying that I thought may be I could try compiling the hex strings into regular expressions, then converting the body of the file I was matching into a hex string and look for matches that way. It seems like an ugly solution but I got something roughly working really quickly.

Creating a proof of concept

My goal was to have make the following code which downloads and instantiates a malicious cryptocurrency miner fail:

  .then(r => r.arrayBuffer())
  .then(bytes => WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, {}))

The good news is, this code fails already! Job done. Wait, what?..

It seems like – in Firefox at least – there is a list of filenames which cannot be fetched. I’m not sure where that list is, but cryptonight.wasm is on it. Maybe I missed something else blocking the request, but I could only get it to fetch() once I changed the filename. If you do know and could point me in the direction of the code which creates this behaviour I’d appreciate it.

Anyway, if we mv cryptonight.wasm nightcrypto.wasm it now loads successfully.

So now we want to block nightcrypto.wasm from loading with our yara-rs tools.

Here’s what I ended up with:

import init, { yara_match } from '../pkg/yara_rs.js';
async function run() {
  await init();

  let instantiate = WebAssembly.instantiate;
  WebAssembly.instantiate = function(bytes, imports) {
    let view = new Uint8Array(bytes);
    let match = yara_match(`
 rule cryptonight
     description = "Crytonight Miner"
     $a = { 00 61 73 6D }
     $b = { 63 72 79 70 74 6F 6E 69 67 68 74 5F 68 61 73 68 }
     $a and $b
 }`, view);
    if (match) {
      throw new Error("Matched yara Rule");
    } else {
      instantiate(bytes, imports);

    .then(r => r.arrayBuffer())
    .then(bytes => WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, {}));

Give the demo a try, you’ll need to open the developer console to see yara-rs match the rule and trust that the whole post isn’t an elaborate ruse to get you mining cryptocurrency for me.

If you’d like to try it out for yourself please clone yara-rs and follow the instructions in the README. I’m toying with developing a browser extension to build on this idea a bit further. I’d love to hear from anyone interested.

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